A Partnership With Route

E-Com Fashion teams up with a shipping insurance company, Route.

It's hard times right now for many businesses due to the pandemic. In the world of e-commerce and shipping, online orders have positively sky rocketed. But this also means an increase in package theft, lost, and delays. As a result of this, we've partnered with an amazing insurance provider for our clients, to provide added security and insurance to their online businesses.

With Route integration, businesses can now give their customers the option to secure and add insurance to all their orders. Simply by paying a very small fee on checkout, ensures that customer orders are protected from theft and damage that may occur during the delivery of their package. Furthermore, Route is known for their 98% positive claims success rate and faster settlement processing time, versus the average competition which would normally drag on and take 3 weeks or more to complete.

We highly encourage all our customers to add Route insurance to their orders and have the peace of mind and security they deserve. Online shoppers, remember to insure all your orders if possible. Read more about Route and their service benefits.


Special GDA-funded programs and services to help businesses grow through the pandemic


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